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you are at Encyclopedia of SQL >> ALIAS


With ALLIAS we can give table or column another name which will be synonym. It helps us to shorten long names for tables or columns and it also can make query more readable for us.

Syntax for creating ALLIAS for column

SELECT `column_name` AS `allias_name`
FROM `table_name`

Syntax for creating ALLIAS for table

SELECT `column_name`
FROM `table_name`
AS `allias_name`


We've two tables `people` and `schools` and we want to display forname, surname and school name using alliases


SELECT o.`forname`,o.`surname`,s.`name`
FROM `people` AS `o`,`schools` AS `s`
WHERE `o`.`surname`='Nowak'

this same query without alliases

SELECT `people`.`forname`,`people`.`surname`,`schools`.`name`
FROM `people`,`schools`
WHERE `people`.`surname`='Nowak'

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