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functional dependency

Attribute B of relation R is functionally dependent on attribute A if any value of attribute A corresponds to no more than one value b of attribute B
A → B
X and Y are sub-sets of set of attributes of relation R
X ⊂ { A1...An}
Y ⊂ { A1...An}
Subset of attributes Y is fully functional dependent on subset of attributes X . If it is not possible, for relation R to contain two rows with identical component that is consistent for all from a set of attributes X and at the same time at least one component is not in the attributes from a set Y
  • Set of attributes Y is fully functional dependent on set of attributes X in scheme R, if :
  • X → Y
    and also doesn't exist:
    X' ⊂ X such that X' ⊂ Y

    Funcional dependency - transitiveness

    X , Y and Z are three disjoint subsets of attributes of given relation.
    Z is transitive functional dependent on X, if Z is functional dependent on X but X isn't dependent on Y and Y depends on Z.

    Multi-valued dependency

    Y is a subset of attributes wielowartościowo functionally dependent on X in the subset schema R, if for any relation r in schema R and for any pair of rows t1 and t2 from relationships r exist such pair of rows given below:
    s1[X]=s2[X]=t1[X]=t2[X] and
    s1[Y]= t1[Y] and s1[R-X-Y]=t2[R-X-Y] and
    s2 [Y]= t2[Y] i s2
    rowsurnamenamecourse name
    s1[Y]= t1[Y]=(Anna) and
    s1[R-X-Y]=t2[R-X-Y]=(swimming) and
    s2 [Y]= t2[Y]=(Jan) and s2 [R-X-Y]=t1[R-X-Y]=(pedicure)
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