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Welcome to a site dedicated to the second semester of the subject called Sound Engineering with a special focus on song mixing.

It is my sincere hope that the information and materials supplied will be useful to people that want to begin their education with DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software and various plug-ins for said software. The site takes part in the “Notes on the internet” contest.

This website is an entry for the “Notatki w internecie” (or – “Notes in the Web”) contest organised by AGH University of Science and Technology.

For the sake of this course we will be using a DAW called REAPER by Cockos that is available for download on the producer’s site, http://www.reaper.fm/. More info on installation in “Installation” topic.

Although the program is not freeware it can be used in an unlimited demo version which has all the functionality of the full, paid version. Furthermore, the program has a built-in set of plug-ins that are more than sufficient for learning and practical application of information obtained through reading this course. The mechanics of the REAPER is very similar to nearly all DAW-type programs (freeware and paid), so the experience gained through work with this software can be easily transferred to another DAW.

The materials shown should be treated as a summary of the key issues brought up during the classes of D. Eng. Paweł Małecki (the supervisor of this work) which is a part of Acoustic Engineering discipline (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics).


An efficient navigation on this page is possible thanks to the side menu. Additional data can be obtained thanks to the top menu bar. “Zoom” plug-in has been supplied in the left side menu and it has been setup to start with the maximum zoom value for the users convenience.


First steps – information crucial to launching the software and its mechanics, as well as information on topic of basic media file edition.

Effects and sound manipulation – description of effects that we can use during our work with music tracks. In this area there will not be much information on topic of the REAPER software, the descriptions will be more general than specialized for this particular program.


Ten utwór jest dostępny na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Unported

Jerzy Wolf