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This page was created on the basis of materials from a lecture to the subject of the Theory of Modern Computer Graphics led by Tadeusz Szuba, assoc. prof. AGH. This page takes part in the contest „Notes on the Internet”.


I wish to warmly thank Professor Tadeusz Szuba for sharing all necessary materials, and for his valuable guidance in creating this website, and Arek for recordings.

Site layout

Page is divided into three main parts: the theoretical, practical and materials.

At the top of each page is an icon printer. Click on it if you want to save the contents of the format. pdf, print, or send an e-mail.

Printer icon

At the beginning of each page there is a file with a recording of the content presented. It is improving the visually impaired and those who prefer to learn with listening.

Recording icon

When you click on the magnifying glass icon to the right you can increase or decrease font size.

Font size icon

To search for words that interest you, you can use the search engine on the right.

Search engine

The site also provides a version for visually impaired and Polish version.

In the theoretical part you will find the main content presented at the lectures  of the Theory of Modern Computer Graphics, enhanced with a variety of interest and additional information are placed in green boxes.

In these boxes were placed materials expanding the knowledge of additional information.

At the bottom of every page in the theoretical part is placed a short summary, which contains the essence of the most important content set out in a few sentences.

In the practical part was collected the information of a few sample programs used in the Modern Computer Graphics, and practical exercises to verify the acquired knowledge.

The materials you will find the worth recommending articles and videos.

In the menu on the right side you will find the a contact form, a bibliography and a link to the homepage.

I invite you to explore the secrets of the Modern Computer Graphics!

Parent page: Welcome