Petrografia skał magmowych


These rocks contain less than 45% silica. The most characteristic minerals are olivines, pyroxenes, hornblende. These rocks are dark, sometimes green (olivine) because of the mafic minerals in their composition.


Dunite consist almost entirely of olivine, often accompanied by accessory chrome spinel.


Describing:Texture: holocrystalline, phaneritic
Minerals: olivine


Peridotite is an olivine-rich, coarse-grained rock. This rocks are subjected to serpentinisation. Peridotite do not have volcanic equivalent.


Describing:Texture: holocrystalline, phaneritic
Minerals: olivine, pyroxene

Pyroxenite and hornblendite

Pyroxenite and hornblendite mostly consist of pyroxenes and hornblende, respectively there are some possible accessory minerals like olivine, feldspar, nepheline.

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