
Find language

Exercise 1.

Which language is generated by the grammar G=<N,V,P,S>
N ={A,B}
V ={a,b}
P ={A → B,A → AB,B → ab,B → aBb}
S ={A}

Exercise 2.

Which language is generated by the grammar G=<N,V,P,S>
N ={Q,X,Y,Z}
V ={n,o,s,w}
P ={Z → nY,Y → osX,X → wsQ,Q → osZ,Q → os}
S = Z

Exercise 3.

Which language is generated by the grammar G=<N,V,P,S>
N ={A,B}
V ={x,y,z}
P ={A → zyz,A → Bz,B → Bxy,B → zy}
S = A

Exercise 4.
Which language is generated by the grammar G=<N,V,P,S>

N ={H,Q,R,X}
V ={f}
P ={H → QRX,Q → fQ,Q → fR,RR → X,fX → f}
S = H