
Intelligence, the ability to associate, understanding, ability to find specific and appropriate responses to new tasks and living conditions, efficient acquisition and use of knowledge, these are the attributes assigned to the twentieth century, only a man. By aksing questions, which ones and how they can be transferred to machines, the way for a new field of science called today artificial intelligence were opened.

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The development of this discipline is closely linked to the advent of the mid-twentieth century, an entirely new type of machine, which was a computer and a completely new field of science, Computer Science, which covers all issues relating to its construction and operation. First computers were primarily used to perform calculations. But pretty soon it turned out that computers whose memory can be expanded, are an invaluable storage of large data sets and information that you can provide them not only in the calculation programs, but also those that analyze, organize, filter and perform other operations both on sets numerical and character or text. These achievements allowed computers to do more sophisticated tasks. The challenge was to create a computer program that performs complex tasks with high demands intellectual and doing it so well, like a man who is an expert in this field.

The development of expert systems

Such programs, today called expert systems, were created at the end of the twentieth century and are different from others that have their own knowledge base (they may also have the ability to use external knowledge bases) and are able to automatically infer other words, processing, use, or generating knowledge through self-inference. Expert systems are used in various fields of human activity (medicine, industry, management), as diagnostic systems, decision support systems or process control. Considering the fact that in certain areas the number of experts are not large and mostly insufficient relative to demand, access to their expertise is usually quite limited by time and distance. We have to remember that system is no substitute for true human nature, especially in the search for innovative solutions, but has many valuable advantages. It contains in its own separate program based knowledge needed to solve the tasks of a specific type in a human-readable way.