Classification of expert systems

There are three categories of expert systems due to the application:

  • Consulting systems - advising deal, often the result of their actions is a method of solving a problem
  • Systems making decisions without human control - operating independently and often work where human intervention is impossible
  • Criticizing systems - their job is to assess the proposed solution to a problem, the results are presented in the form of an opinion

The largest application of expert systems have advisory systems. By building intelligent computer program which expert system, ensure that its knowledge base was up this amount of accurate and true domain knowledge , which is sufficient to perform all the tasks created by the system.

Unique features

To better distinguish the class of expert systems from other computer systems is necessary to present more of their unique features, these include:

  • explicit representation of the knowledge and expertise of the separation of control procedures
  • ability to explain how to resolve the problem, which is in opposition to black-box model, typical of conventional programs
  • expert system solves problems not based on explicitly written algorithm, but using different methods of reasoning
  • expert systems use predominantly the processing of symbolss