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Surveying I– coordinate account

Page takes part in the competition "Notes on the Internet" organized by the Rector of Academy of Science and Technology in Cracow.
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Calculation of coordinates of points of intersection with map frames

Figure 1. The intersection points 1 and 2 with map frames

1 (X1, Y1)
1 (X1, Y1)

A (XA, YA)
B (XB, YB)

Intersection points of a control net with map frames are created when one side of the control net is at different sections of the map. The coordinates of these points we define as follows:

a) if the side of control net intersects with the map frame with known XR coordinate (point 1), then X1=XR, and coordinate Y1 we designate by the formula:

Y1 = YA + (XR – XA) YB – YA XB – XA

b) if the side of control net intersects with the map frame with known YR coordinate (point 1), then Y2=YR, and coordinate X2 we designate by the formula:

X2 = XA + (YR – YA) XB – XA YB – YA

Control calculation::

For point 1:

YA – Y1 XA – X1 = Y1 – YB X1 – XB

For point 2:

YA – Y2 XA – X2 = Y2 – YB X2 – XB

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