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Surveying I– coordinate account

Page takes part in the competition "Notes on the Internet" organized by the Rector of Academy of Science and Technology in Cracow.
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Calculation of coordinates of points on a straight line

Points on the straight line are the points of measurement matrix, marked out on the line between points A and B with known coordinates.

Figure 1. Point n on the straight line AB

n (Xn, Yn)

A (XA, YA)
B (XB, YB)


The task of calculating coordinates of points on the straight line should start from the coordinates designate the distance between points A and B, the following formula: DAB = √________ Δx2 + Δy2, where Δx = XB – XA, Δy = YB – YA. n, between the length of the measured dAB and calculated DAB you calculated deviation f, which must meet the criteria specified in the User's G-4 such that f ≤ fl, where f = ΙdAB – DABΙ. If your deviation is within the limit, we can proceed further accounts.

We calculate northing and the easting difference:

ΔxAn = dAnΔx dAB

ΔyAn = dAn Δy dAB

Coordinates of the point lying on a straight line are:

Xn = XA + ΔxAn
Yn = YA + ΔyAn

Control calculation:
1) re-calculate the coordinates of a point n on the line, this time using the coordinates of point B;
2) verify that the sum of the differences Δd abscissa is equal to the length measured dAB:

∑Δdi = dAB

where Δdi = di – di-1.

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