

Welcome to a page dedicated to the subject of the Unix System discussed ad the faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Ecology (specialty Applied Computer Science). The page was created for a competition called “Notes in Internet” organized by the President of AGH University of Science and Technology.

The material presented here concerns the operating Unix System and it’s aim is to facilitate absorbing information connected with it, not only to students but also other people interested in the subject. I tried to do my best to pass the information in a lucid way. The material presented on this page in divided into two parts. The first one concerns commands which are used in the Unix System and the other one concerns scripts.

Finally I should like to acknowledge all the help I have received from dr inż. Jerzy Karczewski.

This page is XHTML 1.0 and CSS 3.0 valid.

Autor: Aleksandra Przybyło