
Show active processes

If you would like to see active processes in system you can use command ps aux.

owi@laptop:~$ ps aux

Ps aux show only active processes in system. If you would like to see only some user processes we can use pipes.

owi@laptop:~$ ps aux|grep ^login

Command grep enable searching lines matching a pattern.

Send signal to a process

All processes have a uniq PID (ProcessID). The smallest PID, the oldest Process.

Przykład ProcessID

If you would like to Send signal “end process” use command kill and number of PID. It is soft way.

owi@laptop:~$ kill PID

If you would like to send signal “kill process” use command kill and add -9. It will kill process immediate.

owi@laptop:~$ kill -9 PID

Show list of tasks

If you would like to see list of tasks use command:

owi@laptop:~$ top

If you would like to see only some user tasks use command top –u with user login.

owi@laptop:~$ top -u ala

Lists of jobs

If you would like to list the jobs that you are running in the background and in the foreground use command jobs.

owi@laptop:~$ jobs

All jobs have a uniq number. It is in squere parenthesis.

Przykład Jobs
If you would like to sent signal “kill job” use command kill then symbol “%” and number of job.

owi@laptop:~$ kill %1

owi@laptop:~$ fg %2

If you would like to run Job In foreground you can use command fg then symbol „%” and number of Job.

owi@laptop:~$ bg %2

If you would like to run job in background you can use symbol “&” next to program name.
owi@laptop:~$ nazwaprogramu &

Autor: Aleksandra Przybyło